Thursday, January 20, 2005

Nothing Clever Comes To Mind....

I have kept a journal since I was 12 years old. At one point I made entries every night, long and detailed. As I got older and life became more complicated and my responsibilities grew I found I had less time. These days I go months without writing a word. I regret these omissions, because there are SO MANY times and occurrences I wish I had documented. I have been cursed with a defective memory, so unless there were other witnesses to help me reconstruct events they are lost forever. That make me kind of sad. Hopefully this will become a diary of sorts. I probably won't go into all the personal and intimate details here as I would a private journal, but who knows....
I have a date on Friday. This is the first date I've had in several months.. This is the first time in years I've actually been excited about going out with a new guy. I don't want to say much more, I don't trust it, I'll tell you about it another time.
Unfortunately I don't have internet access on my home computer, that is a luxury I can't afford right now (along with a new car and regular manicures), so I will only post from work during lunch breaks, or when I can borrow my mother's laptop.
I titled this Gift From Virgo, and if you assume it is because I am a Virgo you won'
t be making an ass of u or me. I don't get into astrology that deeply. I would never follow the advise of a horoscope in a newspaper or magazine. I wouldn't have my chart done, or expect the stars to tell me anything accurate or specific about my future. Having said that I must now contradict myself because I do enjoy reading about it sometimes, and find the characteristics attributed to my sign surprisingly accurate at times. One of the things I read is that Virgo is the sign of virtue and virginity. Anyone who knows me will have to chuckle at that. My virginity has been gone for over a decade and there have been periods in my past where my "virtue" was seriously in question. But I like to think that virtue is an aspiration for me rather than an innate trait. We are all born innocent and pure, and slowly but steadily life beats it out of us. So although I will never be completely innocent and pure again, I want to replace old virtues with new ones. Love, patience, faith, hope. Those are the gifts I hope to receive and share. Sounds corny? Maybe, but it works for me.


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