Friday, January 28, 2005

I hate titles. Too much pressure to be clever...

I am not feeling inspired to write anything right now, but here I am so I better think of something so I'm not wasting your time as the reader or my time as the writer.
Last night, after I put my son to bed, I was sitting at my computer playing freecell (still no internet) and eating pepperoni and cheese (still no life), when my little sister called me. A little background before I continue. She is not a blood relative, we have different parents and did not grow up together. But she has endeared herself to me and is irreplaceable. She is one of the reasons I haven't slipped into a deep depression and slit my wrists in the last 2 years.
So she called me last night to make plans to go out tonight. She is determined to make sure I have a social life and go out for fun atleast a couple times a month. At first it was easy, but lately she's had to drag me kicking and screaming out of the door. Part of the reason is my car went into a coma right before Christmas, and it will cost $1000 to get it running again. Yeah, wait a second while I pull that out of my ass. So I've been driving my mother's car like a big loser to get back and forth to work and stuff. I don't feel I should abuse her kindness by taking her car on joyrides all over Philly.
I think tonight I will go see Phantom of the Opera the movie. It is playing at the Ritz on Walnut Street, so I'm going to take the train. I am a huge fan of the score. When I was in middle school my music teacher had us do a medley for our 8th grade spring concert. Think of Me was my favorite song until I heard All I Ask of You. And Music of the Night, Masquerade and Prima Dona, well all of them are so moving and emotional... The movie isn't really getting good reviews, and they have Minnie Driver playing the diva Carlotta!! Minnie Driver doesn't sing! And you can't lip sync opera! That's tacky. But I feel I must see it if I want to call myself a true fan. I read the book "Phantom" a few weeks ago. It gave another twist on the life of the Phantom and how he came to be. It was ironic, in that version his real name is Eric. Eric, wow. Maybe one day I'll write about Erik and you'll understand the irony.


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