Friday, April 14, 2006


I truly believe life is what you make it. We have all been given the wonderful gift of free will and I think our level of contentment is directly related to how we use that gift.
Each day we have the opportunity to make choices. Not just in what we wear, or do that day, but the attitude with which we will face that day.
It is possible to talk yourself into anything. If you focus your energy and attention in a certain direction long enough, eventually your life will go there. And don’t be fooled into thinking that what you absorb through your eyes and ears doesn’t effect you.
Every action begins with a thought. An emotion unchecked. Until we learn to control our thoughts our emotions rule us. Like children. Like big kids. Running around having full grown temper tantrums.
What starts as a pout because life didn’t go the way we wanted can grow into full blown depression as we reflect on how unfair our life has been.
Even legitimate gripes about legitimate issues can get so blown out of proportion because we don’t know how to keep things in prospective.
Am I saying you shouldn’t ever be sad? Of course not. Life is hard, full of disappointment and heartache. The victory comes when you stand up, shake the dirt off and say “I will not let this beat me!!”
Our pride steps in and makes us think that we don’t deserve to be hurt. We foolishly believe that life should be fair. When something bad happens, we fall into a victim mentality that is SO counterproductive not to mention unhealthy.
We’re so dang egocentric. We pout and complain about how life isn’t what we want or expected, but never really take the time to recognize how blessed we are. So selfish. So self absorbed. Me me me me!!! If you’re unhappy try doing something for someone else for a change and stop constantly trying to please yourself.
You become fixated with every decision you’ve ever made. Getting caught in the cycle of regret where we think about all the choices we made and ask “What if…”
Next thing, you’re obsessing about everyone who has ever wronged you, what treatment you didn’t deserve. “I’m a good person, why does this have to happen to me?”
We waste so much time being sad. We lose so much of today worrying about yesterday.
We forfeit so much love being proud and stubborn.
We can make a decision to enjoy life, or we can make a decision to squander it.
And when I say enjoy life, I don’t mean the drinking, sex and partying that so many equate with happiness. Believe it or not, it is possible to get through a weekend sober and still look back knowing you had a great time!!
Having a string of lovers so long you can barely remember their names is NOT living.
Drinking until you can’t stand up is NOT living.
Getting high just to cope with life is NOT living.
It’s bondage.
I found it’s the people who appear to be having the most “fun” who are the most miserable inside. The most lonely and insecure. I used to be surprised by how many people admitted to taking antidepressants, but not anymore.

Life is what you make it. Your happiness and fulfillment is determined by your attitude. Approach life differently and you’ll be surprised how differently life approaches you.
Make a decision. Decide.

That is all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What have you decided?

3:22 PM, April 14, 2006  

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