Monday, April 18, 2005

Joe & Betty, exes and Jamaican Stalkers

I just realized I can post in color, so that will be my new thing. Please bare with me while I experiment.
Things turned out pretty much the way we expected for Betty. She has not heard from Joe in a few days, nor does she expect to. There's no love lost though. They only went on one date for goodness sake, it's not like they were engaged. I told Betty to get a grip. She tends to be a bit neurotic about these things.
As far as Jamaican stalkers, I have finally decided to take my own advice. One of the things I know about myself is that I'm a little nutty, thusly I try to avoid guys who are too normal or too cool. I like Beavis & Butthead, I like to swing on swings at the park. I like to rollerskate with my son. I'd rather take a nap than go to the gym. I prefer book to music videos. I prefer church to nightclubs. I thought maybe I could be compatible with my 7 day friend. He just has a fear of commitment or some bullshit he tried to run. I was having none of it. He asked me to give him some time, but I said no. I think I should spend some time with myself, not worrying about what some guy is thinking.

My recently divorced ex had a birthday this weekend. I forgot to call him. He's too handsome anyway. He and I didn't match each other. It's not that I'm not attractive, I'm just not as attractive as him. Like Renee Zellweger is cute, but if she showed up with Brad Pitt we'd all be like "HUH?!" you know? The whole time we were together I kept waiting for some beautiful model chick to come steal him away from me. Not that he was that type. He never gave me any reason to question his fidelity. Although in the end I broke up with him, he's a decent guy and one of the few I don't regret. His daughter is gorgeous, and he joked that she could have been mine. Dork.

**Update on Rob** As of today I still have not heard from him, so the official report is that he still stinks. I will keep you informed as updates come in.


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