Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Poor Use of Time

I have no business spending valuable work time posting to this blog. I have been very busy so far this week and taking lunch is a luxury I can't afford. I still have work from yesterday to finish, don't even get me started on today!! I have e-mails to return and billing, I have records to update, I have a report to give my boss from this morning, opinions to review...
I'm stuffing rice in my mouth as I type this, left over dinner from Sunday night. I wandered around Walmart last night with my son for about an hour and a half. My plan was to just be out of the house and soak up some air conditioning at someone elses expense. We didn't end up buying anything except a couple 50 cent juices from the vending machine out front. At one point I had a cart full, about $100 worth of stuff. Some stuff for my son's up coming birthday, other stuff I have been saying I wanted to get for a while, the rest was just random impulse stuff I found on sale. I picked up Harlem Nights and Trading Places DVD's for only $5.50 a piece out of one of those dump bins. Good deal, right? He and I had a pretty good time cutting up and playing around until we get up to the self check out register -- let me interject some commentary real quick.
*If you are technologically challenged, over 60, illiterate, deaf, blind or have more than 15 items DO NOT USE THE SELF CHECK OUT LINE AT THE MARKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*It defeats the entire purpose of an EXPRESS LANE if it takes you more that 5 MINUTES TO CHECK OUT 5 ITEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, to continue my story. I'm looking at all this stuff in my cart and considering my financial situation and decided that it would be stupid and irresponsible to drop $100 on this stuff when I had other more pressing bills that should be handled first. This all happened while I was waiting for 20 MINUTES IN THE EXPRESS LANE. I swear people are really stupid. Though in this one situation the extra time gave me an opportunity to ponder my purchase. But people are still stupid, and Walmart is their sanctuary. Out of disgust I just walked out. Left my full cart sitting there and everything.

TO: R.P. Holly is a dirty whore!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying your blog. I've had the same thing happen to me where I left all my purchases and just walked out. Felt quite good actually. I hate Walmart. (for many reasons) I admire you being a single mom too. I can't even imagine doing everything without my husband....though some days he's useless. The joke around here with all the girls is that we all want a wife. Anyhow you sound like an amazing wonderful mom and friend.

1:51 PM, July 19, 2005  

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