Thursday, September 15, 2005

Militant Female Ranting...

I make it too easy, I make it too convenient. In my past, I didn't just meet a man half way, I drove all the way to his house, cooked him dinner, gave him some good loving, then drove myself home at 3am! That's too far. Too far. I don't need to be spoiled, and I'm not looking to take advantage of a good man, I just want to be treated well. I want someone who will sacrifice his time, money and energy to make me happy, the same way I do for him. Show me I'm a priority, not an afterthought!!!
A man should be able to support himself. I have no interest in any man who cannot stand on his own two feet. How can I trust him to be the head of our household if he couldn't manage his own single life with much success? I will work; I understand I am called to be a helpmate, but I have no interest in being with a man who needs to be lead by the hand. I have no intention of ever being with a man who needs me to tell him how to handle his business. There are just certain things a man should know by the time he reaches 27-28. You should have some clue what you want to accomplish, some sense of direction. And if it's not too much, can you read? Not comic books and magazine with pictures, but actual literature.
He should understand the principle of delayed gratification. Understand the difference between intimacy, romance and sex. They are 3 distinctly different levels of connection, each essential (in varying degrees depending on the couple) to maintain a strong bond.

Finally, but most important, he needs to understand the difference between "I believe there is a God", "I believe in God" and "I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ" I have no interest in being with a fence riding, agnostic who can't decide what he believes. Calling yourself "spiritual" doesn't mean anything. Witchcraft is spiritual. You need to know what you believe. If you claim to be a Christian, and say you are saved but chose not to go to church, or study the Bible you are outside the will of God. The Bible is very explicit when it comes to these matters. How can you call yourself a student of any discipline if you don't study and fellowhip with others who share your beliefs? You can't study karate if you never take lessons or spar with other students. You can't call yourself a medical student just because it sounds nice but never go to med school. You are lying to yourself. If you claim to believe the Bible but willingly ignore it's teaching you are being disobedient to your faith. That's just truth. The great thing about truth is you don't have to like it. You don't even have to agree with it. It just is.

I have a feeling I'm going to be single for a while.


Blogger Gift From Virgo said...

Oh no! You sound as bitter as me. Stupid men.

5:37 PM, September 28, 2005  

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