Monday, June 19, 2006

Letter to myself...

Dear Self,

Everything that happens to us is God's way of preparing us for the next step. You are still young, use this time wisely to develop yourself and prepare a place for a family. When you meet the man worthy of your heart, don't you want to be able to give him your best? Don't you want to be able to give your children your best? The woman of house, the wife/mother should be a model of emotional stability and spiritual wisdom. Love your family enough now to make ready for them now. At my church there are many attractive, intelligent men and women who have chosen to remain single for the time being that very reason. Sure it can get lonely, but be thankful for this time and make the best of it, it's a blessing. When you understand that each season has a purpose it's easier to hold on.

Sometimes when it seems God is ignoring you, he is really telling you to wait. He wants to bless you but He knows some things you're just not ready for. He is trying to bring you closer to Him, teaching you to trust him, teaching you patience. Equipping you for the road ahead. One of the worst things we can do it try to run ahead of God. He has a plan and a design and we only make it harder for ourselves when we pursue our own desires instead of seeking His will. You can't ignore God, continue to pursue your own pleasure and indulge in sin pridefully, and still expect Him to just give you the things you want. He's not a genie in a bottle and He won't bless your mess.

When it seems those around you are enjoying the things you want, just know we all have equal measures of heartache and pain. All these things are for a season and God deals with each person individually. You may never know the secret thoughts, fears and pains of those around you, just as they don't know yours. Look at all of them, and ask yourself, how do I know they are any happier or fulfilled than I am?

That's why you must continue seek Him, and trust Him. He is not just some some distant entity on the outskirts of the universe. He is not indifferent or out of your reach. Some days the only thing that keeps me from falling apart and giving up is that I KNOW God is working on my behalf, and that no matter what, Jesus is always right here loving me and feeling every pain with me. I speak to Him everyday and I know He hears me. He is with me in all things at all times. Be encouraged.

Love you

There is no pain Jesus can't heal. No hurt he cannot feel...

That is all.


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