Monday, March 14, 2005

45 Things That Piss Me Off...

Top 5 At Work
1. People who don't bother to read the directions I send them and then call me to ask stupid questions like I have nothing else to do.
2. Brokers and attorneys who are too fkucnig lazy to do their jobs, so they call me so I do all the work for free and then bill their clients $500 an hour.
3. People who lose stock certificates worth $50,000 and try to blame everyone else.
4. Bad liars (that's not just at work)
5. Foreign holders -I'm sorry if that is unprofessional, but I can't help you if you don't speak English! Why buy stock in American company if you don't speak the language? Or if you can afford to invest large sums of money the stock market hire a financial advisor to handle that stuff for you!

Top 5 About Men (Not all, but too many)
1. When they want the privileges of a relationship but not the responsibilities.
2. When they won't move out on their own!
3. When they don't read!! I mean they know how, but won't pick up book and read it.
4. When they are over 25 and still smoke weed.
5. When they still behave the same way they did at 21. Same friends, same job, same habits, no goals, no focus, but want to be treated like a man. Grow up!

Top 5 When I'm Driving
1. People who wait until the last minute to put on their turn signals then slam on the brakes
2. People who drive slow in the left lane! Hey genius, glance in your rear view from time to time. If there are 15 cars bunched up behind you, and there's no traffic jam, speed up or move over.
3. When two cars drive side by side at the same pace so you can't pass either one. Argh!
4. People who blast their music in traffic jams. It's one thing if traffic is moving, but when we're all stuck there, turn it down!
5. People who leave their turn signals on for 5 miles.

Top 5 About My Son
1. He acts too much like his father
2. He acts too much like my father
3. He acts too much like me
4. When he does something he's not supposed to do and then lies about it. (He's a terrible liar)
5. He makes me laugh when I'm trying to be mad at him.

Top 5 My Friends Do
1. They tell me about the dumb stuff they do and get mad when I tell them they are dumb.
2. The ones I love talking to never call, and the ones that make me want to hang myself call everyday.
3. None of them have cars!
4. When they can tell I'm full of B.S. and call me on.
5. When they see me doing something dumb, self destructive stuff and don't call me on it.

Top 5 About My Parents
1. My mom is so determined to be independent, she will push herself until the point that she hurts herself rather than ask for help.
2. When my dad says "We should..." but really mean "You guys should..."
3. When they act as if they just met. They've been married 27 years, why do they still act surprised by the things the other does?
4. That even though my father is mental, I will marry someone just like him.
5. That no matter how much my mother makes me nuts I know I will be exactly like her.

Top 15 About Me (Because I'm really annoying)
1. I'm late for everything
2. I'm terrible at managing my money
3. I have a very unusual sense of humor
4. I have no follow through. I'm constantly starting projects them dropping them half way through.
5. I get too involved in other people's problems.
6. I have a defective memory and forget the most basic and/or necessary things.
7. As a result of #6 I lose everything. Purse, wallet, important papers, keys...

8. I get attached to people too quickly
9. I blow things out of proportion
10. I snore like a bear.

11. I have big feet
12. I have a big head (really, I can't fit regular sized hats!)
13. It's easier for me to stay up all night and sleep during the day
14. I can't think of 15 things!! ARRGGH!!!
15. Hehehe


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