Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Even more random stuff

It's Thanksgiving eve, Tuesday night and I'm sitting at home doing much of nothing. I could practice my guitar, or study some Spanish, but I probably won't. No, I'll sit here on the stupid computer writing stuff to a bunch of complete strangers, that is if anyone actually reads this damn thing.
My apartment situation is bleak and I am not pleased. I have a relative that owns some property in the town I want to live in. But I don't know when I will be able to move in. It's hard because the town is so freaking small and mostly comprised of single family homes. There is very little rental property. And the rent can be ridiculous. I want a 2 bedroom for myself and my son. The place I was at before was $795 a month, which was steep, but I was handling it. But they were raising it to $820, so I decided to bounce and find something better.
If I was in Chester, Darby, or Yeadon I could find something easy for like $600 a month. That would be sweet, but I'm not trying to live in any of those places. The school districts are poor, and the residents tend to have less respect for the neighborhood thusly there is more litter, and noise, and drug/criminal activity that I'm not trying to have my son or myself around.
So for now I'm living like a squatter in my parents house. It's pretty darn pitiful and very humbling. I miss having my own place!!! I said about this time last year that I would never live with my parents again. Oops, spoke too soon.
I have to figure out something soon, cause this is not working. All my stuff is in storage, that's costing me $124 a month!!! I miss my bed, I miss having my own space and my own stuff and privacy!!!!! I must make sure I make this a learning experience. I have been trying to make the best of the situation and see the bright side. I am blessed to have parents who are patient and understanding to even let me come back indefinitely....
Please kill me. Or better yet, if you know of any reas0nable priced rental property in Delaware County -holla at a sista!!

That is all.


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