Friday, November 04, 2005

This Weekend

I will go to my first bachelorette party. I am looking forward to, although given my single status it's going to be a huge tease. Still, it will be nice to act a little crazy with the girls. The women in my family are a mess, so I'm sure I'll have some stories next week.
In the mean time, this whole being patient thing is working nicely. I've been going for 20-30 minute walks every night. I got my guitar tuned, and cut the nails on my left hand. I know that may not seem like much, but for me that's a big step. I have been listening to my Spanish tapes on the way to work and home. I would love to take some actual classes, but for now this will do. I saw CD ROMs for learning guitar and Spanish at Target the other day. They were $19.99 a piece. That's not too expensive, but I want to make sure I'm really committed before I spend any more money.

That's another thing I'm working on. My spending. I am learning to manage my money, finally. The hardest part is telling myself, "NO!" I debate with myself in my head everytime I leave the house.
"I want it"
"You don't need it"
"But it's on sale"
"You already have one of those"
"But I don't have it in blue!"

Yeah, I'm a mess -but, getting better.

That is all.


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