Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Alter Ego

Beauty and the Beast, Jaguar Rose... Damn, she's a handful... You just said a mouthful...You want kisses? She'll give you a mouthful...

She might fight she might bite
unless she gets her way
Try to run with all your might
She makes you want to STAY

Can't lock her in a cage
Can't hold her down with chains...
She's feral - unpredictable
Sometimes calm but never tame

This flower, this beauty
This mysterious minx
She's a fairy she's a pixy
Your good luck charm and your jinx

Her petal are the softest, her natural scent like morning rain
The end to all your suffering the SOURCE of all your pain

Delicate and tender
Hot and soft and moist
Her eyes will draw you close
She leaves you with no choice

A smile that makes you wonder
Is it a trick? Is it a treat?

The black cat in your path
Be careful! She's in HEAT

That ravenhaired vixen, a beast between the sheets
She's a hungry little kitty...
...and you're just a piece of meat.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Why I Don't Date Nice Guys

Most every guy thinks he's a nice guy, just like every person thinks they're a good person no matter how much of a self absorbed jerk they are.

Just because you keep a job, don't lie, cheat or smack your bitch down doesn't qualify you as a nice guy; it merely means you are an average decent human being. Stop looking for gold stars and applause for doing that which is most basic and should be inherent to all civilized members of your gender.

Guys who like to label themselves "nice" are constantly whining and complaining about how "nice" they are and how no one appreciates them. SHUT UP! The reason your ex broke up with you isn't because you were too nice to her, it was because you were a boring wuss. She didn’t really mind you being nice to her, the reason she sent you walking is that you’re a dork, but because you were so nice she felt the need to spare your feelings, and “you’re too nice” sounds a lot better than “you’re boring me to tears.”

Think you're a nice guy, really? Let's explore that further, shall we? Are you volunteering at a local homeless shelter? Reading to the blind? Visiting the elderly or terminally ill? Cleaning up inner city parks or mentoring kids? Nope. You’re probably not doing much of anything for anyone but yourself.

Using that “I’m a nice guy” line tends to be a back door creep in because he’s too insecure to knock on the front door like a man. He’ll start out as a listening ear, an understanding shoulder. He appears really tall standing on the shoulders of the man who just broke her heart. He loves to be the rebound, yet wonders why he always gets tossed aside once he’s helped her heal.

*Not all good girls like bad boys.* What we like is a man with a spine, who knows how to play his role and be the man. Not just a girlfriend with a penis. Why do you think you always end up in the friend zone? Let me say for the record, the good girls who do like "bad boys" in the traditional sense (abusive, unemployed, unfaithful, criminals) are immature and foolish and do not represent real women.

It’s important to be kind and considerate to the lady in your life. You should treat her in a manner that lets her know she is special to you, but that doesn't mean you have to be a doormat. It's like you are so busy trying to please everybody that you don't really please anybody. The guy who hides behind this title seems to have some deep root of insecurity, so he is always trying to pacify and satiate. He lacks the balance to see that he does't have to be tyrant OR a wuss. Balance.

Just because you pay for dinner a couples times or bring flowers doesn't mean you are somehow exceptional. Again, stop waiting for applause. Personally, I don't even like flowers and I prefer to go Dutch at the beginning of a relationship.

90% of the guys I’ve met who label themselves "nice guys" are absolute dorks with no sense of personal style and no idea how to talk to women. He hides behind the guise of being "nice" as protection from the truth that he has no other choice but to be nice. I'd be willing to bet that if that same "nice" guy was to wake up tomorrow with six pack abs, six figures in the bank and the face of an angel he'd turn into a dog before the toaster popped.

Final thought: I have never dated a man who hit me or cursed at me. I would not tolerate a man who was unfaithful or untrustworthy. I don't date drug dealers, drug users or any otherwise shady types. The men I date are not "nice guys" nor are they "bad boys." I date men who know how to handle me, and how to handle their business. Men who have compassion, integrity and a sense of personal responsibility. Now, that's nice.