Sunday, November 27, 2005

Prussian Blue: Victory Day

Now, don't get me wrong, I am all in favor of people taking pride in their heritage. If you are Italian, excellent! Irish? Say it loud! Dominican? Rock on! Japanese? More power to you! German? God bless. Jewish? Tremendous! Just proud to be a regular American? That's fine by me.
I think it is a beautiful thing to embrace one's culture. I do believe that although we are all human, there are certain characterists that are unique to certain ethnic groups. Not just genetic (physical characteristics like eye, skin or hair color, texture...) but also cultural. And this doesn't have to be a bad thing. We don't have to all be the same to get along. We shouldn't have to downplay our heritage to fit in. I have no desire to be a gray blob surrounded by gray blobs.

Having said that, I came across something rather disturbing a few weeks ago. At first I just found it curious, but I keep hearing about it. Now, I'm concerned. Prussian Blue, 2 cute sisters, White, 13 years old twins. They wrote this song called Victory Day, but it left me feeling deflated. The lyrics are as follows:

Well sit down and listen, to what I have to say.
Soon will come a great war, a bloody but holy day.
And after that purging, our people will be free,

and sing up in the bright skies, a sun for all to see...
Times are very tough now for a proud White man to live.
And although it may appear that this world has no life to give.
Times are soon changing, this cant go on or long.
And on that joyful summer's day we'll sing our Victory song...

There's more to it than that, but I don't want to take up anymore space. It makes me feel icky all over. Against my better judgement, I am attaching a link. Proceed with caution.

Did we really need to go this far with it? I know the affirmative action thing has been pissing people off, but damn. I mean, do White folks have it that bad? I didn't know.

That is all.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Ever Feel Like This?

This is kind of how I feel today.

That is all.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Even more random stuff

It's Thanksgiving eve, Tuesday night and I'm sitting at home doing much of nothing. I could practice my guitar, or study some Spanish, but I probably won't. No, I'll sit here on the stupid computer writing stuff to a bunch of complete strangers, that is if anyone actually reads this damn thing.
My apartment situation is bleak and I am not pleased. I have a relative that owns some property in the town I want to live in. But I don't know when I will be able to move in. It's hard because the town is so freaking small and mostly comprised of single family homes. There is very little rental property. And the rent can be ridiculous. I want a 2 bedroom for myself and my son. The place I was at before was $795 a month, which was steep, but I was handling it. But they were raising it to $820, so I decided to bounce and find something better.
If I was in Chester, Darby, or Yeadon I could find something easy for like $600 a month. That would be sweet, but I'm not trying to live in any of those places. The school districts are poor, and the residents tend to have less respect for the neighborhood thusly there is more litter, and noise, and drug/criminal activity that I'm not trying to have my son or myself around.
So for now I'm living like a squatter in my parents house. It's pretty darn pitiful and very humbling. I miss having my own place!!! I said about this time last year that I would never live with my parents again. Oops, spoke too soon.
I have to figure out something soon, cause this is not working. All my stuff is in storage, that's costing me $124 a month!!! I miss my bed, I miss having my own space and my own stuff and privacy!!!!! I must make sure I make this a learning experience. I have been trying to make the best of the situation and see the bright side. I am blessed to have parents who are patient and understanding to even let me come back indefinitely....
Please kill me. Or better yet, if you know of any reas0nable priced rental property in Delaware County -holla at a sista!!

That is all.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

NY Pictures

This is my sister and me on our most recent trip to NY. For those who don't know I am the one in the white, she is in red.
The first picture was taken by our waitress inside Carolines Comedy Club. Joe Claire performed. $24.50 plus a 2 drink minimum! I can say it was worth it, though. He was hilarious and we chowed down on the best nachos I've had in a while.
The one of me by myself was taken inside the Marriott Marquee on the 49th floor at a restaurant they call The View. It revolves so that you can see the entire city. I don't know who that dude is standing behind me.
The last picture was taken in on the street in Times Square, by some random guy we met named Carl.
We have to invest in a real camera. We took a bunch more pictures in Times Square and near radio city, but none of them turned out right. We are planning to go again before Christmas, so hopefully I'll have better pictures before the new year.
Looking at these pictures I realize I've put on a few pounds since summer, dang. My face is all chubby. It looks even worse since my sister has slimmed down. I always feel like a cow standing next to her. She's so little and cute. Oh well, it's winter time, I'll worry about that in the Spring.

That is all.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


I am convinced that my debit card should be confiscated from me, cut in half and burned.
My knucles should be repeatedly smacked with a ruler.
Further, I should be denied access to my checking account without written permission from 3 adults.
It seems at times that I am physically unable to manage my money responsibly.
It seems that the more money I am given the more likely I am to mismanage it.
I'm one of those people who would win the lottery for like $500,000 and be forced to file for bankruptcy 2 years later. It's very sad.
I need a financial advisor. I need someone to hold my money for me and put me on an allowance.

This is the last LAST LAST time.

That is all.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Geez, another title?

I decided to retire the "100 things that nobody gives a damn about...", or whatever it was called, because it was getting on my nerves and taking up too much space. I stuck it back in June or something. If you really care to know 100 random facts about me, check the archives.

Anyway, things are going well, I can say that with a few exceptions I am pleased with the direction my life is heading. I find that I am so much less stressed and unhappy. Praise God. I am, dare I say, content. Even though I don't have it all figured out and there is a lot of unfinished business and loose ends I'm not worried.

One thing I can say for sure, no more free samples. From now on, if he wants the milk he's gotta buy the whole freaking cow, no exceptions. Not even a peak at the utters. Hehehe.

That is all.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Why Live Is the Greatest Band Ever

I was just listening to the song "Lightening Crashes." It's an awesome song and I have liked it for years. Even though I've heard it a hundred times, it just occurred to me that this is the only song where the phrase " her placenta falls to the floor..." could be could be incorporated and not be gross or offensive. The way the enunciate each syllable (pla-cen-ta) is down right melodic.
It is for these reason that Live is the greatest band ever.

That is all.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

So Far Away...

this is my life
it's not what it was before
all these feelings i've shared
and these are my dreams
that i'd never lived before
somebody shake me 'cause i
i must be sleeping
now that we're here,
it's so far away
all the struggle we thought was in vain
all the mistakes, one life contained
they all finally start to go away
now that we're here,
it's so far away
and i feel like i can face the day
i can forgive
and i'm not ashamed
to be the person that i am today

Friday, November 04, 2005

This Weekend

I will go to my first bachelorette party. I am looking forward to, although given my single status it's going to be a huge tease. Still, it will be nice to act a little crazy with the girls. The women in my family are a mess, so I'm sure I'll have some stories next week.
In the mean time, this whole being patient thing is working nicely. I've been going for 20-30 minute walks every night. I got my guitar tuned, and cut the nails on my left hand. I know that may not seem like much, but for me that's a big step. I have been listening to my Spanish tapes on the way to work and home. I would love to take some actual classes, but for now this will do. I saw CD ROMs for learning guitar and Spanish at Target the other day. They were $19.99 a piece. That's not too expensive, but I want to make sure I'm really committed before I spend any more money.

That's another thing I'm working on. My spending. I am learning to manage my money, finally. The hardest part is telling myself, "NO!" I debate with myself in my head everytime I leave the house.
"I want it"
"You don't need it"
"But it's on sale"
"You already have one of those"
"But I don't have it in blue!"

Yeah, I'm a mess -but, getting better.

That is all.