Sunday, October 05, 2014

Cruel Tongues

Beat my drum
   Fill my space
      Judgement fails
         Memories erased

Hear my melody
dance while I play

What a lovely bed we now must lay

Peace be still
my heart beats, still
when time stands still
she loves him still

Melodramatic passive aggressive guilt trips
Cruel tongues tear souls like steel tipped whips

The words got caught and made me choke
Cloud of vapor
puff of smoke
It cracked then shattered
then broke
the scream broke the dream and I awoke

I crumbled to pieces on the floor
he called me his love
he made me his whore

It popped It dropped
It Floated then fell
Divorce without marriage
5th circle of hell

Gravity makes no apologies
Reality makes no mistakes


Fell flat on my face.