Real Love
Real love is not an emotion.
Real love is a decision.
Real love is an action.
Real love is not found in what we feel, it is found in what we DO.
Real love forgives.
Real love is patient.
Real love is kind.
Real love trusts.
Real love believes the best.
Real love does not expose fault.
Real love does not rejoice when a mistake is made.
Real love does not say, "I told you so."
Real love does not bail when it gets hard.
Real love knows the grass isn't greener on the other side.
Real love has an attitude of service.
Real love does not seek its own pleasure first.
Real love looks to make life easier and more pleasant for others.
Real love does not brag about its own goodness.
Real love does not keep a record of the mistakes of others.
Roses will wilt, hearts burn with guilt;
Satin sheets will grow cold; young skin will grow old;
Mistakes will be made, and passions will fade;
Angry words will be spoken, and promises broken;
Tears will be shed, insecurities fed.
In the midst of all this, there is one small twist…
Real love does not fail.