I find it interesting that so many people ignore God 99% of their lives, yet as soon as something goes wrong all of a sudden they want to blame Him. We want God to mind his own business and leave us to our own devises, then have to nerve to ask why he has forsaken us. They ask "Why God?"
When God designed human beings he put a place in each heart specifically designed for himself. We spend our lives trying to find something to fill it. We use sex, work, education, philosophy, family, social activities, alcohol, drugs... Yet at the end of it all we still find ourselves depressed and unfulfilled. No, God doesn't want us to be depressed. He wants to be acknowledged, he wants us to know that He loves us. He wants us to love him back. That's why there will always be a void within us until we put God where he belongs.
We run from Him and chase after the pleasures of the world, yet want our lives to be blessed. Please, don't blame God or say that He is not real simply because you have chosen to ignore Him. Why is it so many people can't make it through a weekend sober? Why is it so many people need to smoke weed daily just to "cope" with life? Why do we hop from bed to bed and relationship to relationship, never feeling fulfilled? Why are antidepressant sales so high? Why do so many fear death? Because we are trying to fill a void with things that don't and weren't meant to fit. A square peg in a round hole.
Marriages fail because people don't know what it means to love unconditionally. Marriages fail because people expect their spouse to fulfill needs that only God can truly satisfy.
People love philosophy, it makes us feel intellectual. We like to pat ourselves on the back and congratulate ourselves on how clever we are. But intellectuallism won't comfort you in those moments of hopelessness that we all experience. When you are in your quiet place, feeling isolated and scared. Only God truly cares about us. Only God can give real comfort, only God gives us hope.
Don't believe me? Try him. I did, and my life has gotten better everyday since.
I warn you, walking with God doesn't make your life roses, there will still be difficult times, but you will have peace that even you won't understand. Your life will have purpose that you won't find in any other calling but the one that He gives. Who knows you better than your creator?
I am a living witness to what can happen when you stop fighting God and accept that
He didn't get to be God by accident.