Another Week...
This will be short, I don't have a lot of time. Just found out that they are going to block all non work related websites here at my job. They will provide one computer in the mail room for us to use during our lunch breaks. Not yet sure when this takes effect. I also found out they read all our e-mails -which I sort of suspected, but now that I have confirmation it seems kind of creepy.
Anyway, I am moving out of my apartment this week. I will be home with the parents until October 15th. It will suck, but not so bad as it would if I were staying there permanently. Anymore than 45 days and it would be the Amnityville Horror up in there. Katchem Kill 'em.
Seriously, though my mom did something really sweet for me last night. While I was at my apartment packing up the last of my crap she prepared our old rooms for my son and me. She hung up all my clothes, sat my shoes all neatly together, and made up our beds. Maybe it won't be so bad.
I spent my vacation in Myrtle Beach, I had a terrific time. I swear I am going to figure out how to post pictures to this blasted site!!!
My birthday party is coming up in just 2 short weeks and I am looking forward to it like a little kid. I love my birthday, I don't think I'll ever grow out of that, no matter how old I get. I invited, well, entirely too many people. That's good though, there will be SOOO many different personality types, there will never be a dull moment. I attract and am attracted to a wide variety of people, so to have them all together should be interesting.
That is all for now. I have no idea when I will post again...