Prussian Blue: Victory Day
Now, don't get me wrong, I am all in favor of people taking pride in their heritage. If you are Italian, excellent! Irish? Say it loud! Dominican? Rock on! Japanese? More power to you! German? God bless. Jewish? Tremendous! Just proud to be a regular American? That's fine by me.
I think it is a beautiful thing to embrace one's culture. I do believe that although we are all human, there are certain characterists that are unique to certain ethnic groups. Not just genetic (physical characteristics like eye, skin or hair color, texture...) but also cultural. And this doesn't have to be a bad thing. We don't have to all be the same to get along. We shouldn't have to downplay our heritage to fit in. I have no desire to be a gray blob surrounded by gray blobs.
Having said that, I came across something rather disturbing a few weeks ago. At first I just found it curious, but I keep hearing about it. Now, I'm concerned. Prussian Blue, 2 cute sisters, White, 13 years old twins. They wrote this song called Victory Day, but it left me feeling deflated. The lyrics are as follows:
Well sit down and listen, to what I have to say.
Soon will come a great war, a bloody but holy day.
And after that purging, our people will be free,
and sing up in the bright skies, a sun for all to see...
Times are very tough now for a proud White man to live.
And although it may appear that this world has no life to give.
Times are soon changing, this cant go on or long.
And on that joyful summer's day we'll sing our Victory song...
There's more to it than that, but I don't want to take up anymore space. It makes me feel icky all over. Against my better judgement, I am attaching a link. Proceed with caution.
Did we really need to go this far with it? I know the affirmative action thing has been pissing people off, but damn. I mean, do White folks have it that bad? I didn't know.
That is all.